Baby boomers know more than any other generation what all out war and political turmoil can do to the world. Boomers are the generation that was raised by GI’s who fought in WW2 and lived through the great depression. They understand that when tensions in the world begin to boil over on a grand scale, stability becomes the memory of another time.

The world today is marked by heightened tensions, both domestically within the United States and globally with countries like China and Russia. Retirees suffer the most from world events because they have the least ability to adapt to major financial, political and economic change. 

Reverse Mortgages can return stability to a Retiree’s life by providing access to home equity in the form of a liquid asset or a stable income source.


Reverse Mortgages protections in times of Political Turmoil:

  • Safeguarding Financial Security: HECM funds are unaffected by Fluctuating Markets and international tensions.
  • Backing of the US Government: FHA Reverse Mortgages have the guarantee of the department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
  • Available funds: Unlike bank failures HECM funds cannot be frozen and are always available to draw.

As the World grapples with political turmoil, retirees can rely on their Reverse Mortgage to navigate these uncertain times.

Leveraging Home Equity:

My clients use HECMs for various reasons below are some of the more common to help protect against major world events:

  1. Mortgage payments: HECMs allow to eliminate the monthly mortgage payment, requiring only that the homeowner live in the home and pay property expenses like taxes and insurance.
  2. Debt Consolidation: HECMs can consolidate other debts as well to further reduce monthly expenses.
  3. Emergency account: HECM line of credits can be used to draw funds in times of emergencies.
  4. Preparation: some of my clients have used HECM funds to increase emergency preparedness supplies such as food storage, electric generators or other survival items.


Reverse Mortgages offer a viable strategy for retirees seeking financial stability in the midst of economic and political upheaval. By utilizing home equity, individuals can forge a path towards safeguarding their financial future and embracing resilience in times of uncertainty.

Trevor Carlson

President – Equity Conversion Specialist

Heritage Reverse Mortgage


Heritage NMLS #1497455 Trevor’s NMLS #: 267962

1060 South Main Street Bldg. A Suite 101B

St George Utah 84770