Adjustable Interest Rate

Adjustable Interest Rate

Do you hate your Adjustable Interest Rate? A Client called me this week, frustrated by his adjustable interest rate. We talked at length when he setup the loan about the pros and cons of doing his loan with an adjustable rate but neither of us thoughtinterest rates...
Interest Rates are Rising, Last Call to Refinance

Interest Rates are Rising, Last Call to Refinance

Inflation is taking off. What does that mean for Interest Rates? Inflation in the US is higher than it’s been since 1982. If you remember 1982 you probably remember your 18% Mortgage rate. So, if inflation is taking off now does that mean we’re heading for 18%...
How do HECM Reverse Mortgages Work?

How do HECM Reverse Mortgages Work?

How Do HECM Reverse Mortgages Work? The Mechanics of how HECM Reverse Mortgages work is more simple than you?ve been led to believe. When you understand the truth about the HECM Reverse Mortgage it will seem a lot less scary. To help, let?s compare a Reverse Mortgage...

Logan: One of Utah’s Best Cities

Logan: One of Utah’s Best Cities Our Company I’m a specialist in Reverse Mortgages or HECMs (aka Home Equity Conversion Mortgages). I opened Heritage Home Loans, dba Heritage Reverse Mortgage in 2016 and dedicated myself to be the best possible Reverse...