Occasionally our clients face what’s called Appraisal Required repairs. Because FHA insures the majority of Reverse Mortgages they get to determine what is an acceptable condition of a property. Occasionally as part of the appraisal process, we identify certain aspects of a home that produce Appraisal required Repairs.
The reasons for FHA Required repairs are:
- Safety – FHA wants to ensure a home is safe for a homeowner who intends to live in the home for the rest of their life.
- Resale –FHA is on the line to cover any losses that may occur with a Reverse Mortgage. So, it is in their interest to make sure the home can be resold quickly and at top dollar.
Appraisal Required Repairs are not terribly common. They typically come up on about one in every 15 or 20 loans. Likewise, the requirements are normally pretty minor but FHA is absolutely unbending in having them corrected.
These are some examples of the most common FHA Required Repairs:
- Chipping paint – You must always repair or repaint chipping paint.
- Hand rails – Any place that has 2 or more steps must have a hand rail.
- Water Heater Earthquake Straps – Every water heater must have at least two straps.
- Roof Repairs – You must always repair a leaking or worn roof.
- Damages – You must repair any broken windows, tripping hazards, or other potential safety issues.
Who is this for?
Primarily these requirements are for the homeowner. The repairs do make the home better and safer for those living in it. The cost to complete the repairs can be difficult especially when on a fixed income. But the benefits of a Reverse Mortgage will be worth the sacrifice. When possible we help find ways to finish repairs to allow a client to complete their mortgage and get ahead financially.
If you or someone you love is considering a Reverse Mortgage please let us answer any of your questions.
Trevor Carlson
President – Reverse Mortgage Specialist
Heritage Reverse Mortgage
Heritage NMLS #1497455 Trevor’s NMLS #: 267962
1060 South Main Street Bldg. A Suite 101B
St George Utah 84770